Monday, 8 December 2008

How to Make Money, the definitive guide

"Help us, Uncle Bluey!" I heard you whimper. "You posted so many wonderful hints on making money that we can't possibly keep track of them all! However shall we manage?"

Honestly. What would you do without me?

  1. Porn
  2. Specialist Entertainment
  3. Tourism
  4. Street Entertainment
  5. Write begging letters
  6. Prostitution
  7. Cry on video
  8. Work for websites
  9. Sell your underwear

Still, that's enough of Nicky for now. The well has run dry. It's time for something else. And strangely enough, I'm not short of ideas yet. By twiddling Little Jimmy (as I call my third nipple) I'm able to tune into the psychosphere. My horns aren't just for show, readers; they're radio aerials. Let's see what ideas come out of the ether, shall we?

Ah, yes. Here's one. The Lawrence Dagstine guide to fame. Ten hints and tips to give everyone's favourite troll the acclaim he so richly deserves.

Stay tuned, folks.

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